Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Fight Club in Denmark

Newspapers across Europe reprinted a controversial cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad on Wednesday, which sparked worldwide protests in early 2006 and left more than 50 people dead. The reprinting came one day after Danish authorities arrested three people allegedly planning the murder of the Kurt Westergaard, the man behind the drawing.

The cartoon depicted the Prophet Muhammad wearing a bomb as a turban with a lit fuse. Islamic law opposes any representation of the prophet for fear of idolatry.

Berlingske Tidende, was one of the newspapers involved in the republication by newspapers in Denmark. It said: "We are doing this to document what is at stake in this case, and to unambiguously back and support the freedom of speech that we as a newspaper always will defend."

I'm all for freedom of speech, but I'm wondering why these newspapers needed to give the Islamic world another slap in the face when the wounds are still so raw. As the Beatles said, let it be. Let it be.

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