Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tibetan Protesters Arrested

More than 100 Tibetan exiles were arrested by Indian police on Thursday.

The marchers, mainly Tibetans but including a few foreigners, were arrested one by one after they sat down on a road to protest police barring their march from continuing from Dehra, more than an hour's drive from Dharamsala. (Dharamsala is where the Tibetan government-in-exile is headquartered.)

The Tibetans began marching toward their homeland on Monday to protest China's hosting of the Olympic games, set for Aug. 8 through 24. Indian officials arrested the marchers fearing they would embarrass China. Chinese officials maintain that Tibet is part of China, but Tibetans argue that they have been independent for centuries.

Chief coordinator for the march, Lobsang Yeshi, said the march will continue, even though there is resistance.

"The march will continue and we are determined. Each one us. No one can stop us, we will reach our motherland," said Lobsang Yeshi, chief coordinator for the march.

"The arrests were on the instruction of the central government. The activities are destroying the Beijing Olympics. The Beijing Olympics is a dark bloody Olympics."

How ironic. Indian officials don't want the Tibetans embarrassing China ... but when they arrest more than 100 marchers, the arrests make headlines and now both India and China look bad!

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